/Flowers from my garden. aka Happy Place
Humor me, if you will. I have so much to tell you! So much so, that I have competing posts. I wrote a post earlier in the week and I look forward to sharing it with you, but I have to table it because I have been, otherwise, inspired: Spring!
I can find parallels and/or metaphors for life in most things and this is no exception. I see symbolism of renewal, patience, transformation and potential in the coming of Spring.
Sit Outside
I encourage you to sit outside and take in Spring. In between rain showers, nature is putting a show on for you. There are birds singing and celebrating new beginnings. The ground is giving way to amazing blossoms and growth. Branches are coming out of dormancy and sprouting buds. Bees and insects are about and eager to get their share of the treasures.
I started out working on a butterfly garden about 6 years ago. I was growing for the sole purpose of attracting butterflies. I read up on local plants and proceeded to purchase them. The first year there was not a whole lot to see. I bought full grown plants and I watered them. I found butterflies everywhere, but in my garden.
The first year that everything died back in the fall, I was concerned. It looked like I would have to start over. I had purchased perennials and they were supposed to come back every year. I was a bit confused. In early Spring, I was quick to dig up last year’s lifeless plants and plant new ones. Old branches I cut back aggressively.
One year, I was, otherwise, occupied and this is when I found the surprise. You have to wait for it. You may think that the plants are not going to come back, but, for the most part, they do. Seemingly lifeless branches sprout new buds.
All of our lives have periods of dormancy to differing degrees that affect us in various ways. During that time, the pain is real. Real. Thankfully, transformation and renewal do happen. New beginnings are possible. Do not give up.
Slow down, take a seat and watch Spring unfold before your eyes. Remember, you can’t have flowers without the rain. Also, if you sit still long enough, the butterflies will come, too.
The last post I wrote was nearly two years ago. I have been grieving, slaying giants, raising champions, and growing in faith.